Tegnap, azaz március 29-én délután 17:43-kor megszületett a kislányunk! :) Ő is kicsit előbb született a tervezettnél, mint én annak idején, őt is egy vihar hozta, mint engem annak idején, és az ő szülinapján is szakadt a hó, mint az enyémen annak idején. Csak én decemberi vagyok... :D Meg hát Tokió is melegebb éghajlaton fekszik, mint Budapest...
Yesterday, on March 29 17:43 our baby girl started her journey in this world! :) She has come a bit earlier than expected, just like me back in the day, her birth procedure got started by a storm, just like mine back in the day, and it snowed heavily on her birthday, just like on mine back in the day. It's just that I was born in December... :D And Tokyo has a warmer climate than Budapest too...
昨日、3月29日の17時43分に娘が産まれてきたよ! :)
ただ、私は12月の子だよ… :D
Monday, March 30, 2020
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Az armageddon előestéjén - On the brink of the armageddon - アルマゲドンの寸前で
Valahol ott járunk, jelentette be ma este a tokiói Karácsony Gergely, azaz Koike Yuriko. Miután a mai napon 41 új koronavírus fertőzöttet regisztráltak Tokióban, ami kiugróan magas ahhoz képest, hogy március első 24 napján ez a szám napi 0-15 között ingadozott. Ezzel a mai napon láttam az első kézzel fogható jelét annak, hogy a japánok talán elkezdik végre komolyan venni a járványt...
That's where we are right now, according to the governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike. After the authorities registered 41 new people infected with covid-19 just in Tokyo. Which is a rather high number considering that it was somewhere between 0-15 per day during the first 24 days of March. This was the first real sign to me that the Japanese have finally started to take this pandemic seriosuly...
「感染爆発 重大局面」だって。
That's where we are right now, according to the governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike. After the authorities registered 41 new people infected with covid-19 just in Tokyo. Which is a rather high number considering that it was somewhere between 0-15 per day during the first 24 days of March. This was the first real sign to me that the Japanese have finally started to take this pandemic seriosuly...
「感染爆発 重大局面」だって。
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A terhes nők jelvénye - Maternity badge - マタニティマーク
Gondolom mindenkinek megvan az a sztereotipikus jelenet, amikor a buszon ülő fiatalember megkérdezi a mellette álló hölgytől, hogy terhes-e (merthogy akkor szívesen átadja a helyét), mire az zavartan feleli, hogy "nem". Majd mindketten úgy maradnak. :) Nos, a japánoknak ezen kínos szituáció elkerülésére is van megoldásuk, mégpedig az alábbi képen látható jelvény...
I guess you all know the typical scene where the young guy sitting on a bus asks the young lady standing next to him if she's pregnant (because then he'll gladly give her his seat), and she replies "no" with a slightly embarrassed face. :) Well, the Japanese have a solution for these situations, in the form of the little badge in the picture below...
そんなシーン、想像できるでしょう? :)
I guess you all know the typical scene where the young guy sitting on a bus asks the young lady standing next to him if she's pregnant (because then he'll gladly give her his seat), and she replies "no" with a slightly embarrassed face. :) Well, the Japanese have a solution for these situations, in the form of the little badge in the picture below...
そんなシーン、想像できるでしょう? :)
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Februári koronavírus fejlemények Japánban - Coronavirus updates from February in Japan - コロナウイルスの日本での進捗
Bő egy hónapja írtam arról, hogy mi a helyzet ezzel a koronvírussal itt Japánban. Szerencsére azóta sem jött el az apokalipszis, de azért történt egy s más időközben, amiket most igyekszem egy újabb csokorba gyűjteni...
I wrote about the coronavirus situation here in Japan about a month ago. Fortunately the apocalypse hasn't come yet, but there have been a few new developments, and now I'll tell you a bit about them...
I wrote about the coronavirus situation here in Japan about a month ago. Fortunately the apocalypse hasn't come yet, but there have been a few new developments, and now I'll tell you a bit about them...
Friday, March 6, 2020
Terhesoktatás 2. rész - Parenting class part 2 - 両親学級2話目
Folytatva a terhesoktatást, az utolsó részében gyakorolhattuk a babák
fürdetését. :) Méretre és súlyra 3 hónapos csecsemőnek megfelelő
próbababával, igazi kiskáddal, meg igazi vízzel. Meg igazi
babaszappannal. :D Persze mielőtt saját kezünkbe vehettük volna a
próbababát, az oktató tartott egy kis bemutatót, meg kaptunk képes
útmutatót is. :D És mivel az anyukák egy korábbi oktatáson már túlestek
ezen a gyakorlaton, ezúttal az apukáké volt a főszerep...
Continuing the parenting class, in the last part we got a chance to practice the bathing of a baby. :) With a baby doll, with the weight and size of a 3-month-old, and with a real baby bathtub and real water. And real baby soap too! :D Of course, before we could get our hands on the doll, our teacher showed us how it's done properly, and we got a guide with some nice pictures as well. :D And since the moms had already done this practice in a previous class, this time the dads got the spotlight...
両親学級の話を続けて、最後の部分で赤ちゃんの沐浴を練習したね。 :)
ベビーソープもね。 :D
Continuing the parenting class, in the last part we got a chance to practice the bathing of a baby. :) With a baby doll, with the weight and size of a 3-month-old, and with a real baby bathtub and real water. And real baby soap too! :D Of course, before we could get our hands on the doll, our teacher showed us how it's done properly, and we got a guide with some nice pictures as well. :D And since the moms had already done this practice in a previous class, this time the dads got the spotlight...
両親学級の話を続けて、最後の部分で赤ちゃんの沐浴を練習したね。 :)
ベビーソープもね。 :D
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Terhesoktatás 1. rész - Parenting class part 1 - 両親学級1話目
Folytatva a babás témát, pár hete voltunk a feleségemmel terhesoktatáson, a kerületi önkormányzat szervezésében. Jójó, ő volt még azon kívül is vagy háromszor, ahová én, mint férj és leendő apuka nem voltam hivatalos. Mert ott olyan lányos témákat beszéltek ki az anyukák, amiket férfiak előtt szégyelltek volna. Mindenesetre az az egy közös alkalom is érdekes volt számomra, tanultam ott pár hasznos, meg pár fura dolgot is. Ezekről fogok most mesélni két részletben, csak hogy a hét második felére is maradjon kontent...
Continuing with the baby topic, we went to a parenting class with my wife a few weeks ago, organized by our ward. Okay, okay, she participated in about three other classes too, where I, as a husband and dad-to-be, was not welcome. As the moms discussed girly-topics there, that they would have been too embarrassed to talk about in front of men. In any case, I found the single class I attended interesting too, I learned a few useful and some weird things again. I'll be discussing them in two parts, just to have enough content for the second half of the week too...
Continuing with the baby topic, we went to a parenting class with my wife a few weeks ago, organized by our ward. Okay, okay, she participated in about three other classes too, where I, as a husband and dad-to-be, was not welcome. As the moms discussed girly-topics there, that they would have been too embarrassed to talk about in front of men. In any case, I found the single class I attended interesting too, I learned a few useful and some weird things again. I'll be discussing them in two parts, just to have enough content for the second half of the week too...
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